22 April, 2023

When your child is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, this may deeply affect you and your family life for the rest of life from several points of view.

Giving yourself a little time to overcome all the stages of grief

The first step to support your child in developing his full potential is to help yourself and give yourself time enough to overcome all the stages of grief. Almost all parents who have a child with special needs have to go through the five stages of grief, and this may include you.

When getting the autism spectrum disorder diagnosis of your child, you must be getting through many different feelings such as confusion, sadness, anger, aggression, and maybe you cannot accept this diagnosis. It is hard to believe that your child has autism; you may need more evidence to be convinced. If that is true, please, do not waste your and your child’s time. A meeting with other doctors or specialists should be arranged. They can help you get another test or clinical screening to make sure. If somebody, who may be a specialist, therapist, or a special teacher, says something about the disorder, please know that the only thing they are trying to do is help you, and be a companion with you. If you are ịn an unwell mood, you can think about the information later. Remember to check the document through references, books, or the specialist whom you trust. Everybody is there for you!

There will be some of you who feel this diagnosis is unacceptable. You can become dissatisfied or regretful because you dream of a healthy and happy child who is just as well and more like their peers. A wish about the child’s call dad or mom or seeing your child go to school and play with friends. All of these feelings are not wrong, respect your feelings, time can help you accept these sentiments. 

Nevertheless, the first thing you should do is breathe deeply and try to calm yourself instead of pushing yourself. Give yourself a little time to read articles, ask some questions, and not allow the diagnosis to let you have fear or loneliness. Besides upgrading your advanced knowledge to get a great awareness of ASD, destroy your phobia, and find the most excellent technique for your child’s intervention. Please, be patient with yourself. It would take much time to understand well about the disorder and how it affects you and your family. Sometimes, your hard feelings will show up and maintain during the treatment plan. If you cannot handle it by yourself, it would be good to look for specialized help, like a family counselor or a psychotherapist. You may be angry because this disorder significantly changes your family’s plan. However, on the other side, you still feel magical and filled with hope when your child is starting to be better.

Preparing for the early intervention

Make a brief scan, discover all the different intervention methods for children who have autism, in order to be aware, but try not taking too much time; avoid using many plans but not any specific ones, especially when your child is in the golden time, from zero to three years old. 

Seek for the hospital, center, or a therapy group for autism, where get a multidisciplinary team like pediatrics, special educator, speech therapist, psychologist, occupational therapist, and psychomotor therapist. They may help you plan a perfect specific strategy and do the intervention for the child. Choose a specialist you really trust and follow him or her: if your choice is correct, the result will arrive soon. But remember that autism is a complex disorder to treat, so there may be times when your child seems to be stuck in his evolution or even regressing a bit, so talk to your specialist but don’t worry too much, it’s quite normal.

You can have many experiences from other parents from groups of parents who have children with ASD. You can participate in one of these groups. read, consider and check those pieces of information. The sharing of parents who have children with ASD can give you a different picture of a child who has ASD. You and your child are not alone; they can be a companion with many suggestions for you on your challenging adventure of intervention. 

Starting as soon as possible an intervention for your child made by a multidisciplinary team to get a comprehensive strategy to improve skills is the best you can do for your child. 

Being an adult does not mean you do not face difficult things or periods, give yourself a chance to get others’ help. Allow yourself to get the support you need from a psychologist.

Unite and got support from family members

Do not let the ASD change your family life too much, be helpful in making other members understand the child’s problems, and explain the method you are applying to your child. Connect to others to feel, listen, and support the special child. Be humorous, creative, flexible, and maintain the interest of the child. Your family will always be filled with happiness when the child gets their boost. The child is unique, helping them is especially important. Let your child lives their best life. Children who have autism spectrum disorder are not a fault, especially anyone’s fault. The best thing we can do is try our best, leading to one main purpose: give the child life with a filled quality.

 This article uses these source links:

  • Medical training material: Textbook of autism spectrum disorder, speech therapist training course, Pham Ngoc Thach Medical University, 2019.


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